Monday, August 12, 2013

What I wish I'd known about pregnancy and birth...

This was the title of an email I got today via the Baby Center.  I usually ignore most of their email blurbs.  I figure if they are important or interesting, Ashley will let me know.  Yes, she signed up on Baby Center with me so she could follow along through the whole pregnancy and get all the updates.

Want to know what I learned from this article?  Nothing, except that the women who post on here are really bitchy pregnant women.  They griped about everything… morning sickness, exhaustion, swelling, ligament pain, etc.  I kinda thought everyone knew about those things going into pregnancy?  I was looking for some good, new info!

Anyway, I wanted to put a positive spin on pregnancy, so I posted a short comment about pregnancy actually being enjoyable.  I have been blessed with a rather easy pregnancy and an extremely supportive husband.  Yes, I definitely have my days that I am more emotional, whiny, moody, and just want a dang glass of wine, but I’ve tried to keep a positive attitude for the most part.  (Well, I think I have anyway…maybe I should ask JP for the truth).  So I put together the following list;  (I went back and forth with the name for this list.  I thought, “Why my friends shouldn’t be scared to get knocked up” sounded good too.)

Why pregnancy doesn’t suck so bad…

1.       Ice Cream – I eat it almost every day now.  It’s easier to justify the calories when you’re pregnant.  Plus, P needs the calcium, right?  I’m pretty sure JP has enjoyed this part too.

2.       People are really nice – I feel like I am treated like a queen sometimes.  People go out of their way to help the preggers out.  Even strangers are always asking if I need help, open doors, and ask to carry stuff for me.  It’s nice to know that there are still a lot of good people in this world.

3.       Massages – As you know, my back hurts a lot lately so JP is usually willing to give me a back massage.  (It’s the least he can do, right?)

4.       You always have an excuse – Bad mood? Forget something?  Want to eat 3 pieces of cake? Accidentally park your car on the work bench in the garage?...Doesn’t matter.  You’re pregnant.  You are making a human and you have crazy hormones. It can be an excuse for everything.

5.       (My favorite perk of all) There is a baby in there – This little miracle still blows my mind daily.  Seriously, how is she living in there?  I still get excited with each move, kick, punch, and hiccup. 

“Children are a gift from the Lord.  They are a reward from Him” Psalm 127:3
God is good J 

1 comment:

  1. I needed this :) Waaaayyy too much negative stuff to look forward to. Not One person has only me anything too positive. xoxo
