Lesson 1 - Prenatal Yoga isn't for everyone: My Lesson
I contacted the only prenatal yoga place that I found online in Allen. The lady wrote me back and informed me that this was done in her house and that she had 6 cats. Weird, right? I thought this was strange so I asked if I could do a trial class before I committed. Thank God! When I showed up, she was yelling at her child. "Oh this is a soothing yoga environment" I thought. The class was held in her sunroom with a total of 5 preggos. The other 4 women were cranky and seemed very unhappy to be there. Once the class started, I was counting down the minutes until I could leave. "Relax" is not in my vocabulary. I was constantly thinking about what else I could be doing. I don't think I need to pay someone to tell me to breathe, relax, and "embrace baby" ...And since I still act like I'm in 3rd grade, all the seriousness made me giggle. I was just praying no one passed gas. I would have died. On a positive note, I did realize that I need to try to take time out of my day to relax. So I've been taking bubble baths with lighted candles and chocolate milk...Mamaste!
Lesson 2 - Contractions are painful: JP's Lesson
Yes, you read that correctly. I promise I have a really smart (and hot) husband.
We were at a wedding this weekend chatting with Sara and Jon who have a 16 month old. They were giving us pointers (eat before you go to the hospital) and sharing stories. Side note: It is nice to have friends with kids. We have very few. Come on friends. Get on it. Anyway, Sara mentioned how painful the contractions were before she got her epidural. When JP and I got in the car to drive home (or to the car wash - long story) JP said, "I can't believe contractions are painful"...ummmmm "What?" I thought everyone knew this. So I did a little googling for JP. "The uterus is a muscular organ that contracts powerfully to squeeze your baby out and those contractions are the primary source of pain." Ugh, this just makes me cringe. I really didn't know where contractions happened or that they were the number one source of pain. (I assumed the fact that a watermelon was passing though a small hole was) So like I said, we are both learning. My side lesson learned - don't assume your smart husband knows everything. :)
Lesson 3 - You don't have a period while you're pregnant: Ashley's Lesson
Yes, you also read that correctly. This week Ashley asked me, "so you don't have a period the whole time your pregnant?" I just started laughing. She asked if I was laughing so much because I was already thinking about that comment going on the blog...ummmm, yep. She did mention that was a nice selling point for getting pregnant so once again, get on it.
Other Updates
We got our master bath painted. We ended up paying someone to do it so we didn't have to give up an entire weekend. Here's a pic although it's hard to tell.
Ashley and I also went shopping this weekend. I found this cute mirror to go above our bed. Notice the bump in the pic.
We also had to have some fun while shopping. Where's Waldo?
And here's a pic of the bump at 16 weeks.
I know, I know. Selfies aren't cool...but it could be worse.
This picture gets me everytime. It seriously makes my day.
Pregnancy/Baby Updates
Henry is now an avocado and measuring 4.5 inches from crown to rump. So big! As for me, I'm pretty sure hormones are here to stay (so annoying) and I've started getting lots of headaches - maybe the changing hormones?
The countdown is officially on. 2 weeks until our next appointment when we get to find out the gender. I CANNOT WAIT! God is good!